Unblocked - Preventing Creative Blocks by Joelle Steele


ISBN: 978-1-940388-08-3

All creative people can get blocked at one time or another. This is a guide to identifying various types of creative blocks, removing and managing those blocks, and developing work habits and other practices that prevent those blocks from reappearing.

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What a great book! This is more than just about expanding creativity. It's a formula for success in life. - M. Hesse, Rhode Island

I never knew there were that many kinds of blocks. I found two that related to me and I'm working on getting them under control. - L. McManness, Middlesex, England

This is perhaps the best book on identifying and overcoming creative blocks that I have ever read. - Mike Hardy, Maine

This book was just what I needed to get myself moving, not only creatively, but in my life. - Helen W., Los Angeles, California

Now I am on the road to becoming unblocked. I never knew there were so many kinds of creative blocks. This book explains things so clearly and without all the yawning explanations in some books on creative blocks. - Mitzi Mezzi, Venice, California

I saw my life on the pages of this little book and I realized that it was not my creativity that was blocked, but rather my entire life. I'm grateful for this insight as it has led me to a therapist who is helping me get my act together, and I feel certain that will untilmately unblock my creativity. - J.L.R.